Here's how it all started....
My poor long suffering husband, had to work on a 10 February. 9am - 5:41pm to be presact.
There was someone at work on that day (who shall remain nameless)with the flu.
My husband, had to work closely with that person.
On Monday morning, Caleb refused to go to school, he cried for mommy and clung to his teacher like a baby monkey. I went to collect him at 9am. Ewan was still with me. Which means that he only arrived at work at 10am.....(you're wondering how this is related to working on a Saturday at this point...hold on a second there skippy....i'm getting to the point) Later that afternoon, Caleb started that 'i'm going to hack up a lung type of coughing.' Ewan came home that evening with a snotty nose and the sniffles.....THEREFORE, Ewan picked up the flu, while WORKING ON SATURDAY, gave it to Caleb, which resulted in him not wanting to stay at school, which resulted in Ewan being late for work. Therefore, working on Saturday makes you late for work.
By Thursday, Caleb was feeling really miserable, the snot was flowing free and green (sorry for those non-parents reading this) and his cough sounded like a brontosaurus. He came home from school and said 'Mommy, i'm sick i need to go to the doctor'. So off he went to see Dr Mandrax (Actually Manjra...thanks Pappy...) we saw the doctor, probably for about 10 minutes, got the script and left....(how is this related you ask??) I received the statement on email yesterday, hold onto your supportive undergarments.... FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY RAND for a CONSULT....goodness GRACIOUS ME!! I wish i was a paed!! I didn't even look at the price of the anti-biotic. THEREFORE, Ewan picked up the flu while, WORKING ON SATURDAY, and passed it on to Caleb, which resulted in him having to go to the doctor, which resulted in me having to spend R450.00 on a doctors visit.....BUT WAIT!! THERE"S MORE!
Over the weekend, Dan-Dan started coughing too and got a high temperature, which resulted in him NOT SLEEPING. Which resulted in EWAN AND I NOT SLEEPING. Which resulted in:-
a) a grumpy wife
b) a grumpy baby
c) 2 days sick leave for Ewan
d) ANOTHER DOCTORS VISIT - Which resulted in:-
e) Yup, spending more money
THEREFORE, Ewan caught the flu while, WORKING ON SATURDAY, which resulted in Caleb getting sick, which resulted in Daniel getting sick, which resulted in ME GETTING SICK, which resulted in ANOTHER DOCTORS VISIT. WHICH in turn, resulted in spending ANOTHER R450.00, PLUS money for medication. Dan can't take the medicine he just throws it up, which resulted in anti-biotic injections.
Therefore working on Saturday is bad for your wallet, and for your relationship with your wife, and causes sick leave.
It is therefore true that working on Saturday is bad, as it has the following ill-effects
a) sickness
b) late-for-workness
c) spending large sums of money
d) having a sick, grumpy spouse and children
d) sick leave.
THEREFORE, working on Saturday is counter-productive and should be BANNED...because i say so.
the end.
Stay at home mom (SAHM) by day..... MOOANNE by night.......
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
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