I know, I haven't posted in ages. Lets just move right along from there shall we....
I am finally managing to wean Daniel! At nearly two he had his first (i kid you not) bottle! yay! Go Dan Go! I couldn't believe it, he just took it, he didn't cry or fight me or have a tantrum and scream 'I WANT MOOT!!' at full volume for all the poor neighbours to hear. So now we are down to one moot a day, thank heavens for that.
Let me tell you, breastfeeding, while pregnant is not fun. When i found out i was pregnant i had all these intentions of just letting Dan carry on until he was ready to wean himself...that was before the pain started....oh my hairy octopus tentacles!! Imagine, if you will, sticking needles in your nipples....have you got that feeling in your mind....that is what it feels like is happening when you're pregnant and breastfeeding. Who knows why! All i know is that i am not enduring that 3 times a day.
So now i am faced with cabbage leaves in the bra and rock boobs. It's quite the most strange feeling in the world really feeling your boobs fill up! Hey, maybe someone should offer breastfeeding as a clever and cheaper alternative to plastic surgery! hahaha. no.
Last night when we were getting the boys ready for bed, i accidentally said 'come Dan lets go and have some moot' and he said four little words that made my heart flutter with glee 'I don't like moot!'