Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Shewee.....i kid you not.....

In my perusings this morning i came across this little gem.

It's called a 'Shewee'.  Honestly, i do not speak a word of lie, there is a product out there called a 'Shewee'.  *kackle*  What makes it even more entertaining is that it was invented by someone called 'Samantha Fountain'  HAHAHHAHHAH.

Basically it's a little bit of oddly shaped plastic that allows you to wee standing up. 

I'm sorry but i just don't get it.  I mean i do get it obviously, but, on the website they use phrases like 'stand up and take control' and my personal favourite 'Shewee doesn't just offer equality with men, but is a real and revolutionary device which will change women's lives.'  wow.  I didn't know that being able to wee standing would make me equal to men!!  Hurrah!  My prayers have been answered!!  Finally someone has come up with the answer to all women's issues!  Why didn't anyone think of this before?  All through the years where women have been oppressed, they were missing the solution all along....wee standing up!  Duh. 

*shakes head*

Then of course, you have the care instructions:-

'If you would like to wash the Shewee; once you get home the Shewee can go in the washing machine with your undies, be washed by hand in warm soapy water or even go in the dishwasher!'  OH MY hat how revolting.  That's like sticking your toilet bowl in the dishwasher with all your cutlery.

I have nothing against this invention, and i'm sure for sports people it's like a dream come true.  But for flips sake.  Equality to men my arse.  I wonder if it does world peace too?


Unknown said...

What i would like to know is what exactly did you google to stumble across this.... think im getting worried about you...

Anonymous said...

Here you go Clair, in my search to outdo the SheWee, I found one that won an award, lol

Meet the Travelmate:

I spose that at least this one is advetised for long road trips, camping, etc - although yes, obviously inferior to a product which makes us equivalent to men, hehe. ;)

Unknown said...

Shewee is the revolutionary portable urinating device for women. No longer are dirty or non- existing facilities a problem. Shewee lets you carry the comforts of home in your pocket. Try one and you will see what everyone is talking about.